Due to finite fossil fuel resources and the impact on our environment of burning fossil fuels, the automotive industry has been investigating ways to reduce the overall weight of automotive vehicles. This has led to increased interest in ways that light weight alloys such as magnesium can be used in fabrication of automotive parts and manufacturing processes such as welding that would enable increased use of magnesium. The objectives of this project were to characterize and determine the weldability of 2 mm thick AZ31B-H24 magnesium alloy by three different laser beam welding processes: a 4 kW Nuvonyx ISL-4000L high power diode laser, a 5 kW Trump TLC-1005 CO2 laser, and a 10 kW YLR-10000-WC fibre laser.
The diode laser operated with a 0.9 by 12 mm spot size and with a maximum power density of 37 MW/m2. Due to its low power density, the diode laser was restricted to conduction-mode welding which produced wide fusion zones. The AZ31B magnesium laser welds exhibited a number of defects including hydrogen porosity, solidification cracking, liquation cracking, high vaporization rates, molten expulsions, and poor weld bead quality due to low surface tension. It was found that the majority of these defects could be controlled through the proper use of clamping and shielding of the weld pool and joint preparation and surface cleaning prior to welding.
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