Effect of welding speed on microstructures and mechanical properties
of underwater friction stir welded 2219 aluminum alloy
اثر سرعت جوشکاری بر ریز ساختارها و خواص مکانیکی آلیاژ آلومینیوم 2219
جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی شده در زیر آب
Underwater friction stir welding (underwater FSW) has been demonstrated to be available for the strength improvement of normal FSW joints. In the present study, a 2219 aluminum alloy was underwater friction stir welded at a fixed rotation speed of 800 rpm and various welding speeds ranging from 50 to 200 mm/min in order to clarify the effect of welding speed on the performance of underwater friction stir welded joint. The results revealed that the precipitate deterioration in the thermal mechanically affected zone and the heat affected zone is weakened with the increase of welding speed, leading to a narrowing of softening region and an increase in lowest hardness value. Tensile strength firstly increases with the welding speed but dramatically decreases at the welding speed of 200 mm/min owing to the occurrence of groove defect. During tensile test, the joint welded at a lower welding speed is fractured in the heat affected zone on the retreating side. While at higher welding speed, the defect-free joint is fractured in the thermal mechanically affected zone on the advancing side.
Effect of repair-welding parameters on life time of
die casting moulds
اثر پارامترهای جوشکاری ترمیمی بر عمر مفید قالب های دایکست
In die casting, H13 hot working tool steels are exposed to heat shocking and cracking due to the thermal fatigue which is exerted by die casting process. The gradual destruction of mould surfaces during the service, decreases casting piece quality and limits the mould life time. These moulds are expensive and replacing of them is the main problem of the die casting industries therefore repair-welding of die casting moulds can be helpful. H13 steel has low weldability because of the significant hardening resulted from large amounts of alloying elements. Within this study, results were obtained on the performance of repair welded parts that were welded by three types of filler metals on the thermal fatigue test. The filler metals that are used in this study are H13 tool steel, maraging steel and Co-base alloy. Maximum and minimum life time of the repair welded parts of die casting mould in the thermal fatigue test were obtained from Co-base alloy and H13 hot work steel filler metals, respectively. Repair-welding by maraging filler metal shows the intermediate life time. It seems that repair-welding of H13 moulds by maraging filler metals is more economic because of its lower price in comparison with the Co-base filler metal.
Steel cleanness requirements for X65 to X80
electric resistancewelded linepipe steels
الزامات پاکیزگی برای فولادهای X80 و X65 خط لوله جوشکاریشده
به روش مقاومت الکتریکی
CONTROL OF OXIDES AND SULPHIDES : Clean steel practices at the BHP Steel Ltd, Flat Products plant have always been related to customers’ requirements and expectations. Monitors were developed for critical cleanness grades from either in-house tests or from customer supplied data. Some of these monitors have been in existence for nearly 20 years and have successfully guided process improvements both in steelmaking and in continuous slab casting, such as ladle opening with submerged shroud, vibration ladle slag detection, argon shielding of delivery systems, weir wall design, and quick melting ux addition to the tundish on start up.
Hydrogen influence on fracture toughness of the weld metal in
super duplex stainless steel (UNS S32750) welded with two different heat input
اثر هیدروژن بر روی تافنس شکست فلز جوش در فولاد زنگ نزن دوفازی
(UNS S32750) جوشکاری شده با دو حرارت ورودی مختلف
The super duplex stainless steels have a microstructure composed by two phases, ferrite (α) and austenite (γ). This dual microstructure improves simultaneously the mechanical and corrosion resistance properties. However, the welding of these steels is often a critical operation. The present work evaluated the fracture toughness through critical tip open displacement (CTOD) tests of welded joints, with two different heat input, 1.1 kJ mm−1 and 2.0 kJ mm−1. The steel used was a super duplex stainless steel (UNS S32750) in presence of hydrogen. The CTOD tests (according BS 7448-1 and BS 7448-2 standards) were performed in air and under different times of hydrogenation. The procedure of hydrogenation has been performed using cathodic potential of −1400 mVSCE by 96 and 360 h. The microstructural analysis allowed to determine relevant aspects (α/γ balance, inter austenitic spacing and γ morphology) and to compare with CTOD results. The results showed strong evidence that the reductions of CTOD values is related to differences in the γ2 morphologies. Another important result was the high statistic dispersion in the measures of austenitic spacing, according DNV RP F112-08, which implies in low reliability of using this standard in presence of high anisotropy. The paper also aims to discuss and evaluate which is the best approach to hydrogenated duplex stainless steels: linear elastic fracture mechanics or elasto plastic fracture mechanics.
Effects of Heat Input on Pitting Corrosion in
Super Duplex Stainless Steel Weld Metals
اثر حرارت ورودی بر خوردگی حفرهای در جوش فلزات فولاد ضد زنگ سوپر دوبلکس
Due to the difference in reheating effects depending on the heat input of subsequent weld passes, the microstructure of the weld metal varies between acicular type austenite and a mixture of polygonal type and grain boundary mixed austenite. These microstructural changes may affect the corrosion properties of duplex stainless steel welds. This result indicates that the pitting resistance of the weld can be strongly influenced by the morphology of the secondary austenite phase. In particular, the ferrite phase adjacent to the acicular type austenite phase shows a lower Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PRE) value of 25.3, due to its lower chromium and molybdenum contents, whereas the secondary austenite phase maintains a higher PRE value of more than 38. Therefore, it can be inferred that the pitting corrosion is mainly due to the formation of ferrite phase with a much lower PRE value.
Numerical and experimental study of thermally induced residual stress in the hybrid laser–GMA welding process
مطالعه عددی و تجربی تنش پسماند حرارتی در فرآیند جوشکاری لیزری هیبریدی-GMA
A model based on a double-ellipsoidal volume heat source to simulate the gas metal arc welding (GMAW) heat input and a cylindrical volume heat source to simulate the laser beam heat input was developed to predict the temperature field and thermally induced residual stress in the hybrid laser–gas metal arc (GMA) welding process. Numerical simulation shows that higher residual stress is distributed in the weld bead and surrounding heat-affected zone (HAZ). Effects of the welding speed on the isotherms and residual stress of the welded joint are also studied. It is found that an increase in welding speed can reduce the residual stress concentration in the as-weld specimen. A series of experiments has been performed to verify the developed thermo-mechanical finite element model (FEM), and a qualitative agreement of residual stress distribution and weld geometrical size is shown to exist.
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