Effect of the welding heat input on residual stresses in butt-welds of dissimilar pipe joints
اثر ورودی حرارت جوشکاری بر تنشهای پسماند در جوشهای لب به لب اتصالات لوله غیرمشابه
This study used finite element techniques to analyse the thermo-mechanical behaviour and residual stresses in dissimilar butt-welded pipes. The residual stresses at the surface of some weld specimens were measured experimentally by using the hole-drilling method. The results of the finite element analysis were compared with experimentally measured data to evaluate the accuracy of the finite element modelling. Based on this study, a modelling procedure with reasonable accuracy was developed. The developed finite element modelling was used to study the effects of welding heat input on magnitude and distribution of welding residual stresses in butt-welded pipes made of ferritic and austenitic steels. The hoop and axial residual stresses in dissimilar pipe joints of 8 mm thick for V-groove shape were studied. It is shown that the welding heat input has a significant effect on magnitude and distribution of residual stresses in the stainless steel side of the studied joints.
Influence of welding speed and power on residual stress during gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of thin sections
with constant heat input: A study using numerical simulation and experimental validation
اثر سرعت جوشکاری و توان بر تنش پسماند
در طول جوشکاری قوسی الکترود تنگستن (GTAW) مقاطع نازک با ورودی گرمای ثابت
مطالعه ای با استفاده از شبیه سازی و اعتبارسنجی تجربی
The temperature distribution and residual stresses for a GTAW circumferential butt joint of AISI 304 stainless steel using numerical simulation have been evaluated. For evaluation of weld induced residual stresses, the analysis of heat source fitting was carried out with heat inputs ranging from 200 to 500 J/mm to arrive at optimal heat input for obtaining proper weld penetration and heat affected zone (HAZ). For this chosen heat input, the influence of different weld speeds and powers on the temperature distribution and the residual stresses is studied. The heat source analysis revealed the best choice of heat input as 300 J/mm. The residual stresses on the inner and outer surfaces, and along the radial direction were computed. Increase in temperature distribution as well as longitudinal and circumferential residual stresses was observed with the increase in weld speed and power. The validity of the results obtained from numerical simulation is demonstrated with full scale shop floor welding experiments.
Effect of Vibration during GTAW Welding on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V
تاثیر ارتعاش در طی جوشکاری GTAW روی ریزساختار و خواص مکانیکی Ti6Al4V
The drive to improve weld quality and process parameters demands the use of improved welding tech niques and materials [1]. Titanium and its alloys are considered to be the best engineering metals for indus trial applications because of their excellent strengthto weight ratio, high fatigue life, toughness, resistance to corrosion and good fatigue strength [2, 3].
Welding methods such as gas tungsten arc, resis tance, and diffusion welding have been developed in response to the expansion of the titanium industry.
Titanium alloys easily absorb harmful gases because of their high chemical activity, resulting in poor mechanical properties and unstable structure [4, 5]. Gas tungsten arc welding is the preferred method for avoiding these deficiencies [6]. The weld ing of titanium alloys often increases grain size in the welded metal and heat affected zones [7]. Fusion zones typically exhibit coarse columnar grains in response to prevailing thermal conditions during welded metal solidification [6]. These columnar grains produce inferior mechanical properties in the welds [1]. Methods of weld grain refinement include inocu with heterogeneous nucleants, surface nucleation induced by gas impingement, introduction of physical disturbance through techniques such as elec tromagnetic stirring [4]. Vibratory techniques, and pulsed current welding techniques [8].
Fracture toughness of a welded super duplex stainless steel
چقرمگی شکست یک فولاد ضدزنگ سوپر داپلکس جوشکاری شده
Fracture toughness testing was conducted on standard single-edge notched bend bar specimens of base and weld metal. The material was the SAF 2906 super duplex stainless steel. The aim was to evaluate the susceptibility for brittle failure at sub-zero temperatures for the base and weld metal. The base metal was tested between −103 and −60 °C and was evaluated according to the crack-tip opening displacement method. The fracture event at and below −80 °C can be described as ductile until critical cleavage initiation occurs, which caused unstable failure of the specimen. The welding method used was submerged arc welding with a 7 wt% nickel filler metal. The welded specimens were post-weld heat treated (PWHT) at 1100 °C for 20 min and then quenched. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis showed that during PWHT substitutional element partitioning occurred which resulted in decreased nickel content in the ferrite. The PWHT weld metal specimens were tested at −72 °C. The fracture sequence was critical cleavage fracture initiation after minor crack-tip blunting and ductile fracture.
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