Homogeneity of Mechanical Properties of Underwater
Friction Stir Welded 2219-T6 Aluminum Alloy
یکنواختی خواص مکانیکی جوشکاری آلیاژ آلومینیوم 2219-T6
جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی شده درزیر آب
Underwater friction stir welding (FSW) has been demonstrated to be available for the improvement in tensile strength of normal FSW joints. In order to illuminate the intrinsic reason for strength improvement through underwater FSW, a 2219 aluminum alloy was underwater friction stir welded and the homogeneity of mechanical properties of the joint was investigated by dividing the joint into three layers. The results indicate that the tensile strength of the three layers of the joint is all improved by underwater FSW, furthermore, the middle and lower layers have larger extent of strength improvement than the upper layer, leading to an increase in the homogeneity of mechanical properties of the joint. The minimum hardness value of each layer, especially the middle and lower layers, is improved under the integral water cooling effect, which is the intrinsic reason for the strength improvement of underwater joint.
Effect of welding speed on microstructures and mechanical properties
of underwater friction stir welded 2219 aluminum alloy
اثر سرعت جوشکاری بر ریز ساختارها و خواص مکانیکی آلیاژ آلومینیوم 2219
جوشکاری اصطکاکی اغتشاشی شده در زیر آب
Underwater friction stir welding (underwater FSW) has been demonstrated to be available for the strength improvement of normal FSW joints. In the present study, a 2219 aluminum alloy was underwater friction stir welded at a fixed rotation speed of 800 rpm and various welding speeds ranging from 50 to 200 mm/min in order to clarify the effect of welding speed on the performance of underwater friction stir welded joint. The results revealed that the precipitate deterioration in the thermal mechanically affected zone and the heat affected zone is weakened with the increase of welding speed, leading to a narrowing of softening region and an increase in lowest hardness value. Tensile strength firstly increases with the welding speed but dramatically decreases at the welding speed of 200 mm/min owing to the occurrence of groove defect. During tensile test, the joint welded at a lower welding speed is fractured in the heat affected zone on the retreating side. While at higher welding speed, the defect-free joint is fractured in the thermal mechanically affected zone on the advancing side.
Solidification crack susceptibility of aluminum alloy weld metals
حساسیت به ترک انجمادی در فلزهای جوش آلیاژهای آلومینیوم
The susceptibilities of the three aluminum alloys to solidification crack were studied with trans-varestraint tests and tensile tests at elevated temperature. Their metallurgical characteristics, morphologies of the fractured surface and dynamic cracking behaviors at elevated temperature were analyzed with a series of micro-analysis methods. The results show that dynamic cracking models can be classified into three types. The first model has the healing effect which is called type A. The second is the one with deformation and breaking down of metal bridge, called type B. The last one is with the separation of liquid film along grain boundary, called type C. Moreover, the strain rate has different effects on crack susceptibility of aluminum alloys with different cracking models. ZL101 and 5083 alloys belong to type A and type C cracking model respectively, in which strain rate has greater effect on eutectic healing and plastic deformation of metal bridge. 6082 alloy is type B cracking model in which the strain rate has little effect on the deformation ability of the liquid film.
Friction stir welding of dissimilar Al 6013-T4 To
X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel
جوشکاری اصطکاکی-تلاطمی غیرهمجنس Al 6013-T4 به فولاد زنگنزن X5CrNi
The joining of dissimilar Al 6013-T4 alloy and X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel was carried out using friction stir welding (FSR) technique. The microstructure, hardness and fatigue properties of fiction stir welded 6013 aluminium alloy to stainless steel have been investigated. Optical microscopy was used to characterise the microstructures of the weld nugget, the heat affected zone (HAZ), thermo-mechanical affected zone (TMAZ) and the base materials. The results show that FSR can be used the joining of dissimilar Al 6013 alloy and X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel. Seven different zones of the microstructure in the welding are reported as follows: (1) parent stainless steel, (2) HAZ in the stainless steel at advancing side of weld, (3) TMAZ in the stainless steel at advancing side of weld, (4) weld nugget, (5) TMAZ in the Al alloy at retreating side of weld, (6) HAZ in the Al alloy at retreating side of weld and (7) parent Al alloy. A good correlation between the hardness distribution and the welding zones are observed. Fatigue properties of Al 6013-T4/X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel joints were found to be approximately 30% lower than that of the Al 6013-T6 alloy base metal.
Study of mechanism of activating flux increasing
weld penetration of AC A-TIG welding for aluminum alloy
مطالعه مکانیزم افزایش مکانیزم نفوذ فلاکس فعال ساز جوشکاری AC A-TIG
برای آلیاژ آلومینیوم
When multi-component flux AF305 is used as surface activating flux for an aluminum alloy, the weld penetration of activating flux-tungsten inert-gas (A-TIG) welding is over two times more than that of conventional TIG welding. Using A-TIG welding with the modes of alternating current (AC), direct current electrode negative (DCEN) and direct current electrode positive (DCEP), respectively, the flux differently affects weld penetration when the polarity is different. After studied the effect of compelled arc constriction on weld penetration of AC welding, it is believed that the constriction of the whole arc root is not the main mechanism that flux AF305 dramatically improves weld penetration. The penetration has a relationship with the separate distribution of slag on the weld surface. Then, an observation of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an electronic data systems (EDS) analysis of slag were performed respectively. The separate distribution of slag on the weld pool during welding and the great constriction of arc spots were confirmed by TIG welding with helium shielding gas. The relationship between slag distribution and weld penetration was studied by adding aluminum powder into flux AF305 to change the distribution of slag. During welding, the separate distribution of slag on the weld pool results in the great constriction of arc spots, an increase in arc spot force, and an increase in Lorentz force within the arc and weld pool. Finally, the weld penetration is increased.