Microstructure and hardness studies of electron beam
welded Inconel 625 and stainless steel 304L
مطالعه ریزساختار و سختی اینکونل 625 و فولاد زنگنزن L 304
جوشکاری شده با پرتوی الکترون
In this study, electron beam welding of dissimilar Inconel 625 and SS 304L alloys was successfully performed by employing optimized electron beam welding parameters. The welded joint was characterized using SEM/EDS, XRD and micro-hardness tester. The welded joint was found homogeneous, well bonded and defect free. Two types of microstructure i.e. columnar dendritic and cellular dendritic were observed in the fusion zone. The development of different microstructures in the fusion zone was attributed to the localized cooling effects during solidification. Few micro-cracks along with dendrites splitting were observed in the vicinity of end crater that was mainly due to the segregation of S element. A significant variation of Ni and Fe was observed across Inconel/FZ and FZ/SS interfaces due to their fast diffusion in the melt pool. Micro-hardness measurements across Inconel/FZ and FZ/SS interfaces showed an increasing trend in the FZ from SS 304L towards Inconel base alloy.